Monday 31 August 2020

Going about

Forbidden seed, restricted source
Of soothing counterpoint to stress
 Your changing status from harmful to hopeful
Has assailed our craft, tilted our deck.
 Consensus has moved to the other end of the boat
Threatening to capsize us on the next strong swell
I who once stood surrounded by the righteous majority
Now look around, perplexed and disorientated.
Gusts of wind grab the sails, white-caps form at starboard and port
Wetly I cling to the rail, hair stuck to my face
Cleats clatter, lines whip and snap
And still the dancing crowd in the bow call for more.
Quick, grab the sheets! Throw the anchor overboard!
Watch the boom come over with a crack
Unexpectedly, we've changed our whole direction
Different tack, novel pressure, strange new footing.

This poem was written in response to a report on the publication of South Africa's draft marijuana bill and the reaction by certain sectors of the public to its anti-entrepreneurial restrictions.

Friday 28 August 2020


Stark, gaunt, damaged, dry,
Crooked branch that once reached high,
Missing from the papery sky,
Blight upon the perfect eye.

Good thing it didn't block the way.
No place for deadwood as we play
Our high-speed games, but it's okay.
It's out of sight so it can stay.

Downed amidst the dirt and dross
The bough is sprouting mats of moss,
Filaments as fine as floss,
Breaking down the hulk of loss.

Sterile tarmac melts and breaks,
Diverted traffic swells and snakes
Through thirsty parks, past slimy lakes —
Clear the deadwood in case it takes.

Hack back the ferns, remove the thorn,
Rip up the shaggy, emerald lawn,
Mankind will ever be forlorn
For lack of understanding.

This piece was inspired by a podcast that featured a garden in summer, where birds, ants and all sorts of other invisible creatures were found to be inhabiting a dead tree.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Endangered Space

An open tract
An empty region
A vast expanse.

Spaciousness, yet bounded
For the purpose of protection
From the threat of occupation
In the name of good intention.

Space is valuable for itself, I say,
Not just to fill, not just to use,
A spacious place is a place to breathe,
To open up to nature's ease
And find the natural lines of flow,
Where fresh ideas and talents grow.
Respect my space and I will yours,
A world less cluttered is a worthy cause.

This poem was written first thing in the morning in response to the thought of a whole day without interruption or intrusion.

The needle of time

Stable and unchanging, the needle exists To form our history's inimitable fabric Random raw material rolled into a ball Sensations si...